When called with no options, higrep applies each of the embedded rules and reports prints the matching rules to the console.
The following options modifiy the behavior of higrep:
- --help¶
Display a help message
- --install¶
Install the program as a service and start it running
- --uninstall¶
Uninstall an installed service.
- --print-script¶
Print the embedded script to the console
- --interactive¶
Enter an interactive javascript interpreter in the context where higrep rules execute.
- --bind=<path/to/new/program.exe>¶
Create a new copy of the program with a different script embedded. Specify the script with --script.
- --script=<path/to/script.js>¶
Disregard the embedded script and check against the script specified.
- --host=<host>, --host=@<path/to/host/list.txt>¶
Rather than working on the local system, apply the desired option to a host or list of hosts. The hosts may be specified on the command line in a comma separated list, or in a file whose name is prefixed with an @-symbol. Operation on a remote host works to for one time checks, for --install and for --uninstall.
For example:
> type hosts.txt host1 host2 > higrep --host=@hosts.txt --install
To check on one host:
> higrep –host=
- --username=<username>¶
Specify the username to connect to the hosts specified in --host. If omitted, uses the default username and password.
- --password¶
Specify the password to connect to the hosts specified in --host. If omitted, uses the default username and password.
- --verbose¶
When applying rules, prints the full report rather than just names of the matched rules.